Common Sports Injuries And Their Prevention | JIPSI

Common Sports Injuries And Their Prevention | JIPSI

  • Common Sports Injuries can occur unexpectedly when participating in sports and exercise, whether you are a professional or a recreational athlete demanding sports injury management.
  •  While accidents do occur, there are steps that can be taken to prevent or reduce the possibility of common sports injuries while participating in your favourite sports and activities. If you do sustain a sports injury, the sports medicine team at JIPSI  is here to assist you in sports injury management by offering gold standard musculoskeletal ultrasounds and PRP injection techniques.

What Is A Sports Injury?

Any injury sustained while participating in sports, exercise, or work is considered a common sports injury. The majority of sports injuries are caused by trauma or overuse of muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bones and require intervention by the best physiotherapist in India.  Typical injuries include:

  • Sprains 
  • Strains 
  • Fractures of the bones 
  • Ligament injury 
  • Dislocations 
  • Concussions

What Are Some Common Sports Injuries?

In an ideal world, only good would come from participating in sports, but this is not a perfect world. People move incorrectly, trip and fall, make sudden contact with the ground and with each other...and
sports injuries are common as a result.

That being said, the risk of common sports injuries should not deter you from participating in sports; however, by being aware of some of the most common sports injuries, you can take steps to prevent them or, at the very least, reduce your risk of getting hurt. Let's take a look at common sports -related injuries and prevention measures.

  • Sprains are ligaments' equivalent of muscle strains. Ligaments are the connective tissues that connect bones. When these ligaments twist in the wrong direction, they can pull or tear. 
  • Ankle sprains are the most common sports injuries among athletes, followed by knee sprains, wrist and elbow sprains, and so on. 
  • A common cause of ankle sprains is the sudden twisting or rolling of the foot, which forces the ankle joint out of its normal position. As a result of a sudden or unexpected movement during physical activity, the ankle may twist inward. This causes stretching or tearing of one or more ligaments surrounding the ankle.
  • There may be some swelling or bruising as a result of these tears. Additionally, you may experience pain or discomfort when placing weight on the affected area.
  • Ankle sprains can affect individuals of any age. Ankle sprains are caused by participating in sports, walking on uneven surfaces, or even wearing inappropriate footwear and in most cases requires advanced Sports injury management intervention by professional techniques such as Musculoskeletal Imaging and PRP Injections available at JIPSI.

TIP: Common sports injuries like ankle sprain can result in loss/delay in athletic career, loss of mobility if sports injury management is not initiated in the initial stages of the sports injury. Schedule an appointment with the best physiotherapist in India. According to Dr. Kant, delay in sports injury management can cause more harm to the existing acute injury.

How Can I Prevent an Ankle Sprain Injury? - Common Sports Injury

You can reduce your future sprain risk by:

  • Elastic bandaging the affected ankle while wearing a brace and, if necessary, performing strengthening exercises 
  • Avoiding high heels 
  • Warming up prior to exercise while wearing quality footwear 
  • Focusing on the surfaces you're walking on, slowing down or stopping when you feel fatigued

Ligament Injuries
  • Ligaments are cords of tough, flexible fibrous tissue that connect bones together and provide support to a joint. While ligaments are extremely strong, an overstretch or twist can cause a strain injury. With enough force, they can be torn—the most severe ligament injury.
  • Knee Ligament Injuries: There are four ligaments that hold the bones of the knee together.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL): An ACL injury is damage to the ligaments on the inside of the knee that is a common sports injury in soccer, football, and basketball. The severity can range from a minor sprain to a complete ligament tear (s). ACL tears, if not severe, can be managed with PRP treatment for sports injury or physiotherapy, escaping surgical intervention.
  • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL): A sprain or tear of the inner or outer knee ligaments is known as a Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) or Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) injury. It is usually the result of an injury sustained while participating in a physically demanding activity, such as skiing. Most MCL and LCL injuries heal without surgery and require advanced Musculoskeletal inventions.

How Can I Prevent  Ligament Sports Injury? - Common Sports Injury

  • Body Preparation: This includes stretching and warming up before any activity or exercise, as well as understanding proper body posture. Even minor ligament damage can quickly worsen with additional stress.
  • Strengthening Ligament Health: To help strengthen joints and the ligaments that support them, all athletes should practise healthy nutritional and hydration habits. Vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, and legumes are all good ways to avoid ligament damage.
  • Training for Agility and Strength: The strength and flexibility of the surrounding muscle groups have a significant impact on the health of your ligaments. Improving balance, agility, flexibility, and core strength will help to reduce the need for compensatory movements, which can lead to injury.

TIP: The sports medicine physicians and rehabilitation therapists at JIPSI  can help you recover quickly and safely from a ligament injury via exclusive techniques such as Musculoskeletal imaging and Platelet plasma injections. We understand how important it is for you to get back in the game, and we can assist you in doing so.

  • Strains are by far the most common sports injury, owing to the fact that we use so many muscles and tendons when we exercise or play. 
  • These moving parts are all prone to stretching further than they should or moving in ways they should not, resulting in tears, damage, and pain. 
  • Pulled hamstrings, groin strains, and strained quads are all examples of common muscle strains. The majority of strains are minor and heal on their own with rest.

How Can I Prevent Strain Sports Injury? - Common Sports Injury

  • Most strains are minor and heal naturally with rest within 3 weeks. The best way to reduce the risk of strained muscles and tendons is to warm up and stretch before engaging in strenuous activity.

TIP: If the healing time passes the 3 weeks window period and the strain still persists, you should seek a medical expert at JIPSI immediately.

Adductor Tendonitis
  • It is a common sports injury and Groin inflammation or adductor tendonitis occurs when the adductor muscles in the groin become inflamed or degenerate through overuse.
  • The main function of these muscles is to pull the legs together. from an abducted position, or in other words, they pull the leg in towards the centre line of the body. There are also weaker hip flexors (lifting the thigh up) along with the more powerful iliopsoas muscles. The adductor muscles play an important role in sprinting, playing football, horse riding, hurdling, and any sports involving fast, explosive changes of direction.

How can I prevent Adductor Tendonitis? - Common Sports Injury

  • Rest from activities that cause pain.
  • Substitute other activities such as cycling, or complete rest until normal daily activities are pain-free.
Tennis Elbow
  • Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common ailment that causes discomfort and sensitivity around the elbow's common extensor origin due to a degenerative change within these tendons.
  • Tennis elbow is more frequent in the dominant arm and is estimated to affect 1-3 % of the adult population every year. Although it can happen as an acute injury (trauma to the lateral elbow), it is typically seen as an overuse injury requiring repetitive wrist extension against resistance.

How Can I Prevent a Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow can be avoided in a variety of ways, like:

  • Make sure you're utilising the appropriate tools and methods for each sport or activity.
  • Exercise the forearm to preserve its flexibility and strength.
  • Cool your elbow after vigorous exercise.
  • If bending or straightening your arm hurts, rest your elbow.

Tip: Tennis elbow can be avoided or prevented from recurring if you follow these instructions and avoid straining your elbow's tendons.

Taking Care of Your Body

The best way to avoid the most common sports injuries is to prepare your body as much as possible. The importance of stretching, warming up, and hydrating properly cannot be overstated. Sports, no matter how fit you are, are physically demanding and taxing on your body. Remember to be a wise athlete so that you can continue to enjoy your favourite sports without pain for many years to come!

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